Electrical Part P registration | OFTEC registration schemes

OFTEC Electrical (Part P) registration

In 2005 the Government introduced electrical safety rules into the Building Regulations for England and Wales. This means that most fixed electrical installation work in homes must now, by law, meet Part P of the Building Regulations and have certification to that effect.

OFTEC offers electrical (Part P) registration for technicians who wish to install and self-certify fixed low or extra-low voltage electrical installations in dwellings – electric vehicle charging points are included in this scope. All technicians who register are automatically listed on the Registered Competent Person Electrical website which contains details of all electricians registered to work for householders in England and Wales, making finding the right person for the job easy for consumers.

All electricians listed are permitted to display the scheme’s logo, showing they meet strict entry requirements and that their work meets the correct standards and is regularly assessed as well as demonstrating their ability and ongoing competence.

What's included in OFTEC's Part P registration scheme?


OFT103 Electrical Part P registration enables you to self-certify electrical work in accordance with Regulations 4 and 7 of the Building Regulations 2000 (as amended). Under the Building Safety Regulator (BSR) and Welsh Government  authorisation this is an annual registration scheme and will be subject to an annual on-site visit by an appointed technical expert. This site visit is to assess competence and sample work to give assurance that the technician is continuing to comply with the requirements of the Electrotechnical Assessment Specification (EAS), BS7671 and Approved Document P. Registrants on the OFT 103 scheme will have access to a free technical helpline via OFTEC.

The qualifications you need

A range of  qualifications are required to meet the scheme entry requirements and these are summarised in the table below which should be read in conjunction with the EAS Qualifications Guide.

Before you apply

Have you read our how to become registered page to ensure you have everything in place ready for your OFTEC registration or simply download this Part P information sheet.

Already registered with OFTEC for another technology?

You can simply complete an extension to registration scope form - you don't need to complete a new business application form.  

If you are not already registered with OFTEC, please apply online for your CPS registration. Existing registered businesses - you can Add Part P to your registration.

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