How to order a certificate
You can order one or more replacement OFTEC certificate(s) on this page.
Search for the certificate using the number, if you know it, or the postcode and house number/name. If there are several certificates available for your property, each one will have a link to the type of work carried out so that you can identify which certificate(s) you require.
You may search for as many certificates as you wish and add them to your basket.
When complete, proceed to payment for your certificate(s) which will be emailed to you.
Why can't I find a certificate for my property?
There are several reasons why our systems may not find a certificate for your property such as:
- The work was not notified through the OFTEC system.
- There was an error in the address details that the installer input at the time of notification.
If you are able to check with the original installer, they may be able to advise further, alternatively pleaseĀ contact us.